
Musical Interludes

He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." Mark 6:31
他就說、你們來同我暗暗的到曠野地方去歇一歇. 可 6:31

God writes the music for our lives.
Our role is to follow His lead—humming, harmonizing, blending, and singing in tune.

When we are set aside by illness, or replacement, or retirement,
the interludes can be frustrating and unfulfilling.
If we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed with our inactivity,
it will cause us to focus on our defects and our circumstances.
But we need to remind ourselves that
the Lord may be using our time of rest to make our music better.

The Great Conductor is counting time with precision.
There is more to the arrangement than we know.
If we keep our eyes on Him, in time He'll enable us to chime in again.

In the meantime we can enjoy the rest.
The quiet times are opportunities to quiet our souls and
compose ourselves for the measures that lie ahead.
The rest is not a mistake, nor an omission,
but a necessary part of the symphony God wrote in the beginning
and is conducting for us every day.

The Conductor knows best. Wait on Him.
God uses life's stops to prepare us for the next start.
